Assalammualaikum sume..Malam nie Acap ad ingin mnyentuh ttg kerja berpasukan atau lbh dikenali kajian yg mngatakan bahawa kerja berpasukan neh bleh mningktkn prestasi dan mnyerlahkan potensi apabila ad tugsan yg mlibtkan plbagai kemahiran, pngalaman dan pnilaian digabungkn..snang cite kerja brpasukan neh bleh memaksimumkan bakat dan kmahiran stiap anggota yg disni..Acapakn trangkn srba sdikit ttg ciri utama kerja brpasukan..
Peace cannot achieve by having war or fight, peace only can achieve by having a mutual understanding each other..Think Again!
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Assalammualaikum n clamat mlm cume..Hari nie Acap ad nk bgitau ttg srba sedikit ttg kiteowg..Kaum Adam..nie jgk brdasarkn apa yg trdpt lm diri Acap sndri..
Monday, January 30, 2012
Assalammualaikum wbt..Hari nie xde apa yg istmewa pown yg trjdi..bwt new post sje2 jew neh..hohoho..stress giler mse kt bngkel kayu td..dh byk kali projek yg kne tolak oleh sje yg xkne..mse ngh stress2 td pown Acap ad jgk ambl gmbr mmbr2 Acap yg berangan nk ad superbikes..nie ad gmbr skit2..huhuhu
Friday, January 27, 2012
Assalammualaikum dan clamat pagi cume..Di pagi yg malap neh..(kol 5 am..huhu)..Acap ad nk berkongsi petua sket..hrp dpt bagi manfaat pada sume..Acap pown sekarang neh menggunakan petua yg sme gk..hoho..sbb Acap tinggi..(yeke tinggi?) kurus..Acap pown mngidam jgk nk pakai bju saiz L..huhu..ok2 nie ad serba sdikit..
Monday, January 23, 2012
Assalammualaikum wbt..slmat pagi sume..Kali nie Acap nk brkongsi ng korang ttg faktor2 brlakunya migrain..
faktor hormon : seperti ketika datang haid, mengamalkan pil perancang.
faktor persekitaran : seperti suhu yang terlalu panas atau sejuk, cahaya terlalu terang atau bunyi yang terlalu bising, faktor stress seperti kurang tidur, tension, banyak memikir dll. MIGRAIN : CARA MENGATASINYA
Assalammulaikum wbt n slamat pagi..Post yg sblum nie, Acap ad mnceritakn ttg migrain..kali nie Acap akn kongsikn srba sdkit ttg cara mngatasinya..
Rawatan Tanpa ubat
i) Menghadkan pemakanan dan makan secara teratur. Perempuan yang menghadapi migrain sebelum haid perlu mengurangkan pemgambilan garam kerana garam boleh menyebabkan fluid retention.
ii) Pengurangan stress seperrti senaman yang kerap dan teratur dan mengamalkan
teknik-teknik untuk mengurangkan tegangan badan.
iii) Kenakan benda yang panas seperti menggunakan botol air panas ke tempat yang kena.
iv) Kenakan benda yang sejuk seperti beg yang mengandungi ais.
v) Cara hidup yang lebih teratur seperti makan secara teratur dan dapatkan tidur yang cukup.
vi) Baring di tempat yang gelap dan senyap pada permulaan migrain.
vii) Biofeedback. Pesakit diajar mengawal pengembangan dan pengecutan otot dan
saluran darah. Teknik ini lebih berkesan jika diajar kepada pesakit kanak-kanak.
viii) Rawatan lain yang mungkin boleh menolong anda ialah refleksologi (urut saraf kaki). Petua orang-orang tua seperti basahkan bahagian bawah (iaitu dari kaki ke badan dan ke kepala) dahulu semasa anda mandi mungkin juga berkesan.
Assalammualaikum wbt n slamat mlm pd sume readers (ad ke yg bce..huhu)Atas prmintaan kwn Acap, kali nie berkenaan dgn migrain..Acap akn trangkn sdikit sbnyak ttg prkara neh..
Sunday, January 22, 2012
Assalammualaikum w.b.t..
Pada pagi yg indah ini, Acap ingin berkongsi ttg prkara diatas tuh..kite sbgai owg laki neh..msti mlindungi seorg wanita..bkn mmprmainkn dieowg tu..INGAT!!..dieowg bleh mngoncang dunia taw..
Assalamualaikum n slamat pagi sume..Hari nie Acap ad nk brkongsi sdikit mngenai tanda2 lelaki jatuh cinta..kebnyakknnya drpd pngalamn Acap kali nie berloghat Penang..huhu..(jgn tnya npe Acap bwt cenggitu..hehe)
(1) Depa senyum kepada anda. (senyum, senyum, senyum jaa, terlalu banyak senyuman yang diberikan)
(2) Depa gelak dengan lawak jenaka anda. (walaupun lawak yang anda sampaikan sebenaqnya tak lawak
tara mana pun)
(3) Depa pertahankan anda daripada orang lain. Sanggup gadai nyawa kot..sungguh !
(4) Depa bertanyakan soalan mengenai kehidupan anda.
(5) Depa merenung anda secara sembunyi. Stalker ? Bukan lah ! Renung ja a..
Assalammualaikum wbt..Pagi tadi Acap ad trbaca satu aktikel neh..mmg terkene lar..hmpir sme cm diri Acap sndiri..huhu
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Assalammualaikum wbt sume dan slamt pagi..Hari nie Acap nk off topic skit..kali ini ttg islam liberal..apa yg dimksudkn dgn silam liberal?..apakh kesannya?..apa punca wujudnya fhamn sebegini?..
Assalammualaikum sume..Hari nie Acap blik kmpung..naik kt Melaka Sentral bas Mayang Sari..hmpir sume owb lm bas neh bdk poli..ase cm nk pgy lwatn skola pown ad gk..huhu..kteowg brtolak kol 8 mlm..spnjangn prjlnan tu..pnyela byak roadblock yg dibwt oleh pihak polis n Acap xdpt jmpe ng kwn Acap (kwn?..bleh dikatakn kwn lar sbb Acap hmpir slalu msg ng dye)..dye asl Penang tp dye blik Seremban umah pak cik dye..dye brtolak awl skit..kol 6..time tu Acap ad kt Popular bli buku n klkulator (dh hmpir sbulan study..bru nk bli)..Acap hrp spnjang cuti neh..dye slamat..wlaupown Acap jrang borak2 ng dye..kdang2 tu pndng pun Acap akn slalu mndoakn yg trbaik utk,xlupe gk pd kwn Acap yg lain..trutamanya bebudak kls DKA 1A..korang mmg awesome!!
Hari neh Acap n kgkawan ad bwt amali ukur aras..lcture buku kteowg, Pn. Azah..mmberi tnjuk ajak yg smntara krn beliau anggp kteowg dh fhm apa yg diajarnya minggu lpas..hari neh beliau cme nk tgk cara kteowg kndalikn proses ukur aras neh..nie ad sdikit gmbr yg Acap smpt snap td..
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Assalammualaikum n slamat pagi Acap ucapkn pd sume..Ermm..hari ni hari last utk kteowg submit borang PTPTN tuh..punyela byak borangnye..nk itu la ini la..bwt 'crossline' lar..dh lar pegawai PTPTN neh..cerewet giler2 ( dgr drp org sekeliling ckp lar )...LECEH LAR DE!..Acap sndiri pown xlengkap lagi borang tuh..huhu..Acap xde setem hasil yg RM 10 tu je..kne beli 2..xde gmbar nk tunjuk kt korang mcm mner rupenyew setem hasil tuh..pagi neh kls Cmputer Application xde..myb smpt kowt lw Acap kuar pgy bli kt pekan Merlimau tuh..tgsan yg Acap submit ng kengkawan smlm harp lecture bleh tgk lar..sbb kteowg submit lm bntuk cd..huhu..
Monday, January 16, 2012
Assalammualaikum wbt n camat pagi sume..:-)Skali lagi Acap post pada tgh malam-malam bute neh..huhu..tak ngtok lar plak..mata ku mmg awsome lar..skit pown xtrlelap..tapi ada bagusnya jgak..dapat la Acap siapkn tugsan yg lecture,beliau nk dwi bahasa pulak dah..tugsan yang Acap sngkakn siap kmbali mnyemak..huhu..ase dh fed up no nk bwt e-kamus pown cm hape ntah..dsktop translation xleh pakai..skrang ngh pikir alasan pe yg nk bagi kt lecture nati..huhu..(torang jgn itut peyangai ite nie eyh)..modul C1005 ukur kjuruteraan yg jumpe..minggu dpn nk tunjuk kt lecture lagi samada bleh gune ke tak modul tuh..em,nie first time Acap ad kt poli neh..xtido satu hari..perghh!!..awsome lah..pasni grenti trsngguk2 pnye lar..dh la kls math pagi2 lgy..huhu
First of all, make sure that the person who is talking to you is actually soliciting advice. He or she may just want you to listen and be a good friend, seeking instead understanding, empathy, and compassion. Don't assume that everyone wants advice. You may have some insight into the problem(s), but you really need to listen attentively to a person first for a very long time to understand the situation. If, and only if, your friend actually ASKS for advice should you then furnish it.
It is a great honor to be asked for advice, but it is also a big responsibility. Good advice can help people make sound decisions or find the right path in life, while bad advice can have disastrous consequences. Fortunately, with a little forethought you can weed out the good from the bad.
Listen to the person asking you for advice. Every situation is unique, so never assume you know all you need to know about a problem. Listen carefully to the person who wants advice, and learn as much as possible about this situation. If you need clarification, ask questions. Being an active listener will not only help you give good advice, it will also increase the chances that the person will take your advice.
Put yourself in the advisee's shoes. Try to imagine yourself in the other person's situation. If you've been in a similar situation, think about what you learned, but don't rely solely on your experiences to give advice--imagine that you are giving yourself advice for the unique circumstances that the other person is facing.
Think about the consequences of taking your advice. While you're at it, think about the consequences of not taking your advice. If there's no significant difference between the results of those two scenarios, your advice might not be bad, but it's not useful either. Ditto if the action you advise is impossible. If you can envision the path you suggest leading to a worse result than an alternative path would, your advice probably is bad.
- Take your time. When possible, think long and hard about all the possible courses of action and consider the pros and cons (or the benefits and costs) of each. This is especially important for more complex problems.
- Think about both the short term and long term consequences of your advice. Very important decisions are usually very important because of their long term effects. Think as far down the road as possible.
Empathize. Many matters require sensitivity and thoughtfulness. If you really try to put yourself in the other person's shoes (as suggested above), empathy will probably develop naturally. Even so, be very careful about how you word your advice and be sensitive to the other person's feelings and emotional state. Giving advice is more than a logical exercise. It usually involves helping a person sort through conflicting emotions as much as conflicting choices.
Brainstorm with the person. Sometimes there is no clearcut right answer to a problem. In this case, try to help the person mull over all the alternatives so that he or she can reach a conclusion together with you or on their own. Even for very simple questions, it can be beneficial to help the person develop his or her own advice, if only for the reason that he or she is more likely to take it
Be honest. If your advised course of action has potential drawbacks, tell the person about them. If you don't really feel qualified or knowledgeable enough about something to give advice on it, be honest about this fact. Your goal should not be to blindly lead the person, but rather to help him or her make a good decision, so don't act like a salesman.
Set a good example. If you advise one thing but do the opposite, your advice will be seen as phony and hypocritical. If you do as you say, however, people will be more likely to respect your advice
Understand that the person may not take your advice. Just because someone asks for your advice, they are not obligated to take it. Realize that the other person almost always knows more about their particular situation and desires than you do, so you can never be sure that your advice is really the best for them. Understand that people will sometimes ask advice just in order to bounce ideas off of you, and don't be surprised if a person rejects even good advice and decides to make his or her own mistake. Live with it, and let the person live with his or her decision.
Assalammualaikum wbt n slamat pagi..huhuKelmarin lecture dh pun bgi kteowg tugsan mse kls td..beliau cume soh buat lakaran je..bwt apa2 je projek yg trbyang lm fikiran, nabil, penan n apek dh brstuju no..nk bwt kerusi bngku tp tmpt sndarnya tu..bleh flip jdikn meja kecik..2 in 1 lar kata kn..huhu..skank kteowg ngh fikir mcm mner nk bwt slot kt pnyandarnya tu supaya xgoyah (bleh pkai ke istilah cenggitu..:-P)..
pandangn sisi..
pndngn hadapn (walaupun xbtol2 mngadap bnde neh) mcm ni lar bntuk dye lw jdi meja study kecik..huhu
..lagi gmbor ni haaa..
..sisi beza skit cm diatas tuh..
..pndangan atas lw jdi meja dan kerusi
..lw jdi kerusi jew..
..mmber ku, Apek yg sdang tekun mmbwt lakaran smbil dprhatikn oleh Kaptain kteowg, Nabil..huhu
..Penan yg sdang jauh berfikir utk mnyelesaikn msalah slot pngunci..
...mse neh kteowg ngh cari pnyelesaian utk slot pngunci dan mngmbil data ttg cutting list
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